About Us


My name is 1st generation American via 3rd world poverty hybridized genetics... a living, breathing, walking lesson in perspective. I live for the past, present, and future. I, and those close to me, keep sight of the mission... and keep sight of the ancestors. The mission allows us to see without seeing.

This is what our mission is about:

We’re about Self-Reliance and personal Accountability.

We’re about Logic over Emotion.

We’re about placing a premium on Intelligence.

We’re about the relentless pursuit of Education and Knowledge, and maximizing the Mind’s potential.

We’re about the recalibration of cultural expectations and status quos.  

We’re about brutal Honesty.

We’re about Truth over kindness, over tradition, over respect, over emotion... Truth above all... THE TRUTH IS ALL THAT MATTERS.

We’re about the reevaluation, and deliberate dismantling, of political correctness.

We’re about reestablishing a Balance... a Center.

We’re about the detachment from, rejection of, and rebellion against Ego.

We’re about the detachment from, rejection of, and rebellion against frivolous Distraction.

We’re about the detachment from, rejection of, and rebellion against frivolous Emotion.

We’re about resisting the Mob Mentality.

We’re about refusing the Bee Hive Mentality.

We’re about Living with Purpose.

We’re about Living with Dignity, Honesty, Integrity, Authenticity, and Honor.

We’re about standing alone before standing with a group.

We’re about: “No Way As Way”.

We’re about realizing that picking sides dilutes objectivity... ABSORB.

We’re about adamantly and overtly rejecting the idolization of violence and gang life.

We’re about assimilating whole-heartedly, while cherishing and maintaining our beautiful heritage.

We’re about Brown is Beautiful, because ALL IS BEAUTIFUL.

We’re about: you’re only as Good as your Choices.

We’re about: Discipline breeds Creativity, which leads to Freedom.

We’re about NO EXCUSES.

We’re about not leaving for tomorrow, what can be done today.

We’re about the liberation of unadulterated, uninfluenced, unfiltered, uncompromised TRUTH.

We’re about the liberation of unadulterated, uninfluenced, unfiltered, uncompromised FREE THOUGHT.

We’re about Left, Right, Center, and everything in between and around.

We’re about offending everyone equally.

We’re about holding everyone and everything Accountable... especially the Self.

We’re about lending some long overdue Perspective to a Bleak World that, all of a sudden, seems so obtusely Black and White. 


Remember to reflect: Vanity denies Integrity; Narcissism denies Dignity; Self-Absorption denies Honor; ALL THREE deny Authenticity and access to the Way, and all pathways leading to the Way; and ALL THREE lead inevitably, and indelibly, to Deceit and Selfishness, a lack of Objectivity and Perspective, the hollowing of one’s Spirit, the erasure of the Spirit of the Now and the Spirit of each Moment, and, consequently, Tragically, the celebration of, idolization of, and obsession with EGO - THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL.

Press Pause to Think. Press Pause to Love. Press Pause to Live.

Stay Thoughtful, Stay Creative, and Stay Freaky America!

Coming to you from:

Los Angeles,                                                        
(Brown Town, Baby!)